Re: IRB Chairperson Don Schmigel 17 Aug 2001 06:09 EST

As long as the Chair recuses her/himself from voting on the protocols on which they participate, I don't believe there is a problem.

Donald P. Schmigel, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
Children's Research Institute
Children's National Medical Center
111 Michigan Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20010-2970
Phone:  (202) 884-4021
FAX:  (202) 884-6510 (FAX)

>>> xxxxxx@ESUMAIL.EMPORIA.EDU 08/16/01 05:19PM >>>
Greetings.  I have heard it said at several workshops at NCURA that an individual involved with the Research/Sponsored Program Office cannot act as Chair of the institution's IRB because this poses a conflict of interest. I cannot, however, find this issue addressed specifically in the documents at the DHHS, OHRP site. Does anyone have any insight into this issue, or can you direct me to a document that spells this out?

Pam Fillmore
Research and Grants Center
Emporia State University
phone 316-341-5351
fax 316-341-5909

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