NSF-CCLI web-based survey for PI's
Farnsworth, Franci 04 Jun 2001 08:30 EST
The NSF-CCLI program has sent a web-based survey to PI's that includes a
question asking for the amount, source, and use (eg, dissemination,
equipment, etc) for all non-NSF funds spent on project. Although they
indicate that data will not be attributed to specific projects, they also
indicate "respondents should be able to substantiate the claims and numbers
reported, and to provide examples upon request." There is no requirement
that this cost-share documentation be verified by the financial office.
Should we be concerned that NSF is collecting information about cost-sharing
directly from PI's? Because a significant portion of our cost-share is
comprised of in-kind contributions and indirect costs associated with
cost-shared salaries, it is not likely to be reported by PI's which will
make it look like we aren't meeting cost-share requirements should NSF use
this information to evaluate the specific project.
Any thoughts on this survey or advice from those with more experience in
such things?
Frances Vinal Farnsworth
Coordinator of Sponsored Research
Munford House
Middlebury, VT 05753
Tel: 802-443-5889
Fax: 802-443-2081
Email: xxxxxx@middlebury.edu
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