Out of office (was Re: [RESADM-L] Who pays for Clinical Trials) Herbert B. Chermside 03 May 2001 06:41 EST

At 05:54 PM 4/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
>We (like so many it seems) had just the same problems at Arkansas Children's
>Hospital. We have now developed, implemented and are live with a web based
>system that has so far achieved 100% accuracy with clinical trial billing.
>It took us a while to get there, but we did it by developing a web based
>system where study coordinators enroll and schedule visits (and the
>procedures to be performed) and then follow up after the visit to 'finalize'
>the procedures performed. Once this happens we have a 'back end' process
>that checks what was entered into our main billing/HIS system against what
>was finalized in the web system, any differences being reported out and
>fixed on the billing system. As I said, we have run many different types of
>clinical trials (inpatient, outpatient, observation etc..) and have so far
>eradicated any initial billing errors.
>However, we didn't get to this point overnight. While the new system was
>critical so that we had an independently, PI/Coordinator record of what
>should be billed, we also had to evaluate and re-engineer our existing
>people systems so that all could work together. That involved many different
>(and generally small) changes in process in departments like Cost
>Accounting, IT, Billing, Admissions, Accounting, ORA etc. but was achievable
>once we got everyone talking.
>Now we are able to offer a few additional services with the system such as
>tracking reports on the trial (# of patients enrolled, protocol due date
>reminders etc.) and web creation and routing of study reimbursement.  All of
>which provide the PI and staff extra incentive to use the system.
>Obviously there is a lot more detail here as to how it all works, but wanted
>to let you know the basics let you all know that this problem can be fixed.
>David A Higginson, ACMA
>Vice President for Information Systems
>Arkansas Children's Hospital
>1120 Marshall Street
>Little Rock, AR 72202
>(501) 320-3757
> > Learn more about us at:  <http://www.archildrens.org/>
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Caskey, William PhD. [mailto:xxxxxx@CMH.EDU]
>Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 5:18 PM
>To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
>Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Who pays for Clinical Trials
>This is a tough issue. If anyone has a solution, I'd like to know as well.
>We currently put a "hold" on all charges when a patient is enrolled in a
>study. All charges effectively accrue to a dummy account which is reviewed
>by the research nurse or project personnel monthly. All standard of care
>charges are backed out to the client account and the research charges are
>transferred to the appropriate cost center. We do have a standard of care
>charge code and a research charge code for each charge which does help. This
>is a very labor intensive process and is prone to a certain amount of error.
>We have some checks in place and our process has improved greatly over the
>last couple of years. We're always looking for a better way.
>Another solution is to require that all charges on a research study be paid
>by the sponsor, but as you know, sponsors don't get overly excited when this
>approach is used...Bill
>Bill Caskey, PhD
>Director, Research & Grants Administration
>Children's Mercy Hospital
>2401 Gillham Road
>Kansas City, MO  64108
>Voice:(816) 234-3879
>FAX:(816) 855-1982
>E-mail:  xxxxxx@cmh.edu <mailto:xxxxxx@cmh.edu>
>This communication is intended only for the use of the addressee.  It
>may contain information which is privileged or confidential under
>applicable law.  If you are not the intended recipient or the agent of
>the recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copy or
>disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
>received this communication in error, please immediately notify The
>Children's Mercy Hospital at 816-234-3879 or via return Internet
>electronic mail at xxxxxx@cmh.edu <mailto:xxxxxx@cmh.edu>  and expunge
>this communication without making any copies.  Thank you for your
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Barbara L. Pifel [mailto:xxxxxx@MED.CORNELL.EDU]
>Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 4:44 PM
>To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
>Subject: [RESADM-L] Who pays for Clinical Trials
>Would anyone care to discuss possible methods to avoid duplicate
>billing for items or services provided as "routine care" to patents
>who are admitted to a hospital and who are also a participant of a
>clinical trial.
>If anyone would like to discuss this issue in confidence, please feel
>free to contact me directly.
>Barbara Pifel
>Senior Director
>Grants and Contracts
>Rm: A131
>Telephone: (212) 746-6020 6-6058
>Fax:       (212) 746-6938
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>  Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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I will be out of the office until Thursday morning,
 May 3, 2001.
I'll read your mail when I return.
If you need immediate help from VCU's Office of
Sponsored Programs, e-mail the Office at
or telephone 828-6772 and a staff member will assist you.

Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Virginia Commonwealth University
PO BOX 980568
Richmond, VA  23298-0568
Express Delivery Only:
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