Re: HI Sharon Harris 30 Apr 2001 15:40 EST

Please reset my password.  I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I try to get it emailed to me.
Sharon H.

Sharon Harris
Ball State University
Contracts & Grants

>>> Stanley Geidel 4/23/01 12:04:43 PM >>>

There are 10 administrative areas within the Organization Management module in FastLane.  You have access to nos. 4 and 5.  Let me know if these are not sufficient and I can modify your privileges.

Also, you have a PIN number as opposed to a password.  You will need to change your PIN to a password the next time you log in.  I can do this for you if you would like... just let me know.


1. Add, Modify, and Delete FastLane Users
2. Change User Permissions
3. Initialize/Change User Password
4. Organizational Reports
5. Administer Notifications To or Requests For NSF Approvals Under Grants
6. Submit Proposals to NSF
7. Administer Revised Budgets
8. View/Print Organization's Award Letters
9. View Project Reports
10. Review/Revise Organizational Information

>>> Sharon Harris 04/23/01 11:12AM >>>
As you have noticed from the answers to my question on the list serve there is some confusion as to whether just sending the extension notice through fastlane is sufficient.

I need to go in and check to see if they have extended the ending date.  The information using the PI's account just shows me the notification that I filled out for the extension.  When I try to go into the organizational management area my password does not work.  There was an area where I could look at what grants were needing finals, had expired and etc.  I was sure this was that area.  The password that I am using is HA01.   Am I correct, or is there some other area I am suppose to be looking in.
Sharon H.

Sharon Harris
Ball State University
Contracts & Grants

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