Re: Rectangles and Squares Doug Mounce 23 Apr 2001 18:00 EST

False, the statements won't be easy to reconcile.  The second seems to be
a limit on the SRO using some definition of research, but then ironically
the SPO expands to manage "anything else" that is externally funded even
though the difference between a "program" thing and an "externally funded"
thing is not well-defined.

Doug Mounce, Associate Administrator for Research and Finance,
Department of Pediatrics, 206-685-3491, Fax-543-3184

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Tim Atkinson wrote:

> True or False:  The following statements are easy to reconcile
> "All sponsored research programs are sponsored programs, but not all
> sponsored programs are sponsored research programs"
> "Sponsored Research Offices handle Research Only. Sponsored Programs Offices
> handle research, demonstration projects, training programs, fee for service
> and scholarships and anything else funded by an external agency"
> "Will you mock at an ancient tradition begun upon an honorable respect?"
> --Shak.
> Thanks,
> Tim Atkinson
> Timothy N. Atkinson
> Director, Office of Research Administration
> University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
> Little Rock, AR 72205
> Phone: 501-686-8845
> Cell: 501-837-5348
> Fax: 501-686-8359
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