Position Announcements
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, the central office
for research administration at the University of Maine, seeks to
fill two new, ongoing, calendar year positions on its staff.
A full-time Grant and Contract Training Specialist will advise
and assist faculty and staff in the preparation of proposals for
extramural support; train others in the policies and procedures
relevant to proposal preparation; and coordinate other training
programs of the Office. The salary range is $28,000 - $32,000,
based on education and experience.
A half-time Proposal Development/Information Officer will gather
and disseminate information about opportunities for extramural
funding of scholarly activities; analyze and interpret such
information as needed; and train others in the use of relevant
information technologies. The salary range is $16,000 - $20,000,
based on education and experience.
A complete job description, including the required and the
preferred qualifications, is available on the University web page
at www.umaine.edu/hr/jobs; or from Sylvia Polchies by phone at
207-581-1476, by fax at 207-581-1446, by e-mail at
xxxxxx@orsp.umesp.maine.edu, or by mail at the address given
To apply, send a cover letter specifying the position for which
you wish to be considered, a resume, and the names, addresses,
and phone numbers of three references to Chair, Search
Committee, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, 5717
Corbett Hall, Orono ME 04469-5717. Review of applications will
begin April 16, 2001.
The University of Maine is an AA/EO Employer.
Sharon Jackiw, Associate Director
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
University of Maine
5717 Corbett Hall
Orono ME 04469-5717
phone 207.581.1480
fax 207.581.1446
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