Re: once removed subawards that come back to own institution
Jon Hart 23 Mar 2001 15:56 EST
We have run into this one before. For example, a project was subcontracted
to us, and then we would have had a subcontract back to the prime
institution for some work. In that case, the prime just kept the funds for
the second subcontract as part of their award and only issued us the
subcontract for the portion we were going to perform here.
At 02:43 PM 3/21/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Here's one I hadn't run into before. Maybe someone out there has
>had a similar experience, or a helpful idea. We have a faculty
>member working on a proposal which includes a subaward to
>another organization. That organization wants to subcontract with
>one of our service centers for analytical work.
>We could keep the analytical work charges under our direct costs,
>but the subcontracting organization wants to show the funds as
>being received by them.
>Can we issue a subcontract, part of which will be another
>subcontract back to the prime contractor? Somehow this doesn't
>seem right.
> Dr. Richard H. Moore
> Assistant Vice President for Grants and Sponsored Research
>Coastal Carolina University Internet:
>P.O. Box 261954 Voice: 843-349-2050
>Conway SC 29528-6054 FAX: 843-349-2726
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Jon Hart, Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
The Rockefeller University
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tel: (212) 327-8054; fax: (212) 327-8400
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