We allow "faculty" to be PI's on applications. To us, that means:
Postdocs (for Fellowships and R01's or equivalent with the Lab Head's
approval -- our Lab Heads are equivalent to a Chair in a 'normal'
institution); Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Research
Assistant Professors, Research Associate Professors, Professors, and
Research Associates (the latter are senior researchers who have a
non-tenure track position but are considered faculty rank). Adjuncts are
not eligible, and we do not have an Instructor level. We have had staff
members, specifically the Directors of shared instrument facilities, be
PI's on instrumentation grants to enhance their facilities, but they would
not put in research grants of their own. We have a handful of Ph.D.
students with fellowships.
At 02:51 PM 3/19/01 -0900, you wrote:
>We are entering into a debate about who within the institution can be a
>PI and are interested in how other universities approach the issue. At
>your institutions do you allow staff, students, associate and assistant
>professors, or instructors be PIs on research proposals?
>Diane McLean
>Office of Sponsored Programs
>University of Alaska Fairbanks
Jon Hart, Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
The Rockefeller University
1230 York Ave.-Box 82, NY, NY 10021-6399
tel: (212) 327-8054; fax: (212) 327-8400
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