funding sources - need help quick F. John Case 16 Mar 2001 09:29 EST

Hello all,

I am asking my fellow research administrators a question I thought I
could put my hands on quickly, but can't.  I have been asked by the
upper level administration to get the citation for "charging all
expenses the same across all funding sources."  My interpretation of
their question is that we can't only charge sponsored research projects
for additional benefits, we must charge all fund sources (state, trust
funds, endowment income and grants/contracts) for theses benefits.  I
may not have stated this to well, but it goes back to the concept that
just because you have grant funds that can be rebudgeted, you can charge
them for pay increases and not charge the other types of funds (I am not
sure that simplified my issue?).

Does anyone have the exact citation from the federal regs - I looked in
the OMB Circulars and couldn't put my finger on it (maybe I missed it).
I need it today - any help/guidance is appreciated.

Thanks a lot and have a great weekend.

F. John Case
Executive Director
Office of Contracts and Grants
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB #1350, 440 W. Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1350
(919) 966-2542
(919) 962-3352 (fax)

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