Re: protocol? Herbert B. Chermside 14 Mar 2001 16:59 EST

My comment is experiential, only.

Grants are given for specific purposes.  If the purpose is to conduct the
research planned and conducted by professor X, it only makes sense that
Professor X takes the grant with her.  If the purpose is to expand the
academic program in your institution's newtechnology department under the
guidance of Professor Y, the project should stay when Professor Y goes to
Podunk U.  The grey area is when the research program involves four senior
researchers and three post docs, and the named PI,. Professor Z,  leaves
and one post doc is following him.  That's when a lot of bargaining goes on
-- but look to the principle of "what was the original purpose of the grant?"

And, don't forget, the sponsoring agency has significant control -- it can
refuse to accept any one you offer as a substitute PI, or decide not to
renew at the end of the year because the person who left is too critical to
the work for them to believe that it can be done without her.  Or,
conversely, the sponsor can say that, no matter how good Professor Z is, he
cannot get the work done at Podunk U, because the facilities/environment
are not appropriate.  The project officer can give some guidance, at least
insofar as what the sponsor's most critical concerns are.

An occasional institution tries to hang on to awards merely because they
are seen as money flowing in.  Bad thinking!

So, enjoy exploring those grey areas!


At 09:48 AM 3/14/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello. I am new to the list and fairly new to my position. I have a two
>part question and would appreciate your feedback. Here goes:
>My provost has asked under what circumstances would an institution not
>allow the grant to follow the PI to his/her new institution; I told him it
>is customary for a university to allow the grants to go with the PI, that
>it is common practice.  So a two-part question, what is customary and why,
>and under what circumstances would a university deny?
>thanks !
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Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
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