Re: IACUC ISSUE Hawk, Pat 07 Mar 2001 16:40 EST

I'm not an expert on IACUC regs, but go look at the part that describes the
committee make-up.  Even if there isn't a cite, just think about it in the
same way as use of human subjects.  While I doubt your Director of Sponsored
Research would act inappropriately, I feel there is a conflict of interest
issue applies.  A person who signs proposals/applications shouldn't also be
approving protocols or acting in any type of decision-making authority on
protocols.  If memory serves, Duke got in trouble just for having the
equivalent of the Director of Sponsored Research serving as a voting member
of their IRB.

Patricia A. Hawk
Sponsored Projects Administrator
5219 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR  97403-5219
tel: 541/346-2504
fax: 541/346-5138

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara L. Pifel [mailto:xxxxxx@MED.CORNELL.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 1:31 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Importance: High

I would like some feedback on the Director of Sponsored Research serving in
the capacity of Chairman of the IACUC. I belive that there would be a major
conflict of interest, especially if the director had signature authority to
act on behalf of the Institution.

Does anyone have the exact cite for this. Thanks!

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