Re: % effort planner Janet M. Hahn 26 Feb 2001 17:29 EST

I'd also love to see something along those lines since I need to have
something like that drafted prior to a workshop on Monday.  This has been
requested by the vp for Academic Affairs.  Obviously, I will have something
by Monday, but would love to save myself a bit of time prior to that.
Thanks.  Janet

At 04:26 PM 2/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Has anyone developed a "% effort" planner?  Just a simple little tool that
>departmental level administration can use for planning, and for
>administering, faculty loads.  For planning, effort can exceed 100% if some
>things are uncertain, for example grants applied for.  For administering
>loads, effort must be limited to 100%, including all effort including
>committed cost sharing.  If someone has one to share, it will save us
>reinventing the wheel.
>Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
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Janet M. Hahn, C.R.A.         
Executive Director                              phone: 540-831-5035
Sponsored Programs & Grants Management  fax: 540-831-6636
Radford University
Radford, VA 24142-6926        

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