Re: Electronic approval or singature on Effort Reports
Matthew Clark 26 Jan 2001 14:02 EST
If it's OK, could we expand this discussion to include all electronic
routing? We're considering developing an in-house approval/routing
system. We're at the "focus group and beginning spec-writing" stage.
Also, on a related note, has anyone attempted to submit proposals to *any*
funding agencies (federal or not) with digitized signatures? Banks cash
checks all the time with a digitized signatures of institutional
comptrollers, but how far have we come with respect to acceptance of
electronic proposal endorsement?
I realize that these issues may have been discussed at the various ERA
meetings, but haven't been able to attend.
Any information you offer would be appreciated.
At 01:40 PM 1/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
>The University of Delaware is looking at revising its current effort
>reporting system. We are currently using the "after-the-fact Activity
>reporting" method and we require hard copy signatures from both the
>employee and their supervisor. A-21 states that the reports require
>sigantures. Are electronic signatures or approvals acceptable? Are
>there any schools who are routing their effort reports electronically
>for signature or approval?
> Thank you,
>Gerri Hobbs
Matthew E. Clark, JD
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs Administration
Iowa State University
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