Re: increasing external funding
Rebecca J. Sutcliffe 25 Jan 2001 08:27 EST
We recently had an excellent two-day workshop
here, hosted by a local consortium of public and
independent four-year and two-year colleges. The
workshop focused on decision-making and priority-setting,
as well as assessment of progress toward goals, for
Department Chairs, Deans and Directors. All attending
agreed it was an excellent introduction to the ways
in which educators at all levels can take more
responsibility for their progress and can be more
proactive in relations with powers-that-be, whether those powers
are State Boards of Trustees, legislators, or college presidents.
The workshop was conducted by three consultants associated
with the American Council on Education, located not too
far from where you are. For more info, I'd suggest
you contact Dr. Irene Hecht, Senior Associate, ACE.
(, Dr. Jon Wergin, Professor of
Educational Studies, VCU (, or
Mary Lou Higgerson, VP Academic Affairs and Dean,
Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, OH (440) 826-2251.
Hope this helps.