Sponsored programs impact?
Farnsworth, Franci 08 Jan 2001 10:10 EST
I've been asked if there is a generally accepted "investment multiplier"
that can be used to determine the ultimate impact of external funding -- as
in, "for every $1 of external funding invested in research, infrastructure,
and faculty development at our institution we can expect to receive an
additional $xxx in external funding in the future". I have heard that
20-30 years ago, accountants working for University of Michigan determined
this multiplier to be 2.4. Is there a more current figure in use today?
Frances Vinal Farnsworth
Coordinator of Sponsored Research
Munford House
Middlebury, VT 05753
Tel: 802-443-5889
Fax: 802-443-2081
Email: xxxxxx@middlebury.edu
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