Re: Foreign Subcontracts Moshe Amir 26 Nov 2000 07:38 EST

It is our understanding that OMB Circular A-133 "Audits of Institutions
of Higher Education and Other Nonprofit Organizations", as amended in
April 1996, is no longer applicable to foreign (non USA) institutions -
see under #4 "Policy":
"This Circular does not apply to non-U.S. based entities expending Federal
awards received either directly as a recipient or indirectly as a

Moshe Amir, Director               | tel: +972-7-647 2427
Department of Research Contracts   | fax: +972-7-647 2930
Research and Development Authority | email:
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
PO Box 653,                        | URL:
Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel           |
 On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Mike Luczak wrote:

> We recently encountered a problem whereby an institution in Canada has requested
> that we delete all references to A-21 and A-133 in our subcontract.  Also, with
> regard to Inventions and Patents, the institution is not willing to follow the
> specific CFR with regard to Inventions and Patents.  Has anyone ever come
> accross these problems?  If so, how did you solve these problems?  If no one has
> encountered this problem, does anyone have any ideas?
> Mike Luczak
> Grants Administrator
> Research Administration
> Saint Louis University
> Phone:  314-577-8108
> Fax:  314-268-5551
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