Faculty Entrepreneurship Sharon Kuhlenschmidt 21 Nov 2000 13:04 EST

An article from Today's Chronicle "Hebrew U. Develops Program to
Encourage Entrepreneurship Among Professors" states that Hebrew
University of Jerusalem has created a program to encourage its
scientists to develop high-tech computer and software startup companies.

Some at our University have expressed interest in allowing on-campus
research for "startup" companies in exchange for stock in the company in
lieu of paid research costs.  I have conflict of interest concerns with
the proposed arrangement.

This article seems to indicate that MIT and Hebrew University of
Jerusalem have hound a way around the potential conflict issues. Where
can I locate a copy of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
arrangement on which the Hebrew Univeristy plan is modeled and What are
your thought on the idea?

Sharon Kuhlenschmidt
Grants Development Analyst
Building 38 Room 152
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
(805) 756-5963
fax:  805/ 756-5466
e-mail:   xxxxxx@calpoly.edu

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