Re: Allowability of In-Kind Match
Terry A. May 17 Nov 2000 12:03 EST
Like most research administration questions, the answer concerning
allowability of fringe benefits along with in-kind salary as match is
not straight forward.
It seems to me that the answer depends upon the role and nature of
involvement of the person providing the in-kind services. One can
imagine a lawyer volunteering to plant trees for a conservation
project. The lawyer would be serving as a laborer & not a lawyer so
the actual salary may not be relevant. In that situation there may
actually be no benefits associated with the service & therefore
should not be added.
On the other hand, the service might be provided by a university
person as part of their normal role & job responsibilities. In that
situation, the inclusion of fringe benefits might be
allowable. However, there is the deeper issue of whether the
employer of the person providing in-kind services has actually
authorized that contribution. Certainly, we approve cost-sharing on
subcontracts routinely, but I have a hard time envisioning
universities approving an outside contribution that brings nothing
directly to the institution. Therefore, I would try to involve the
partnering institution's research admin. office in helping to
document & validate the value of the contribution. Absent that, I
personally would not feel comfortable with adding benefits to the
value of in-kind services, because I feel in most situations those
services are provided by individuals acting alone and not individuals
representing their employer. Certainly, the facts and conditions
must be evaluated carefully as I do not believe there is a direct,
all-encompassing answer. Terry-
Terry A. May, Ph.D.
Director of Research Development
524 S. Kedzie
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
517/432-7140 Office/voice mail (LSC Main Number 353-1768)
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