Re: conflict of interest question
Matthew E. Clark 03 Nov 2000 16:49 EST
Syracuse University does require an annual disclosure (due each October 1).
We mail reminders to all PI's and new faculty in September.
We also require an update during the year if a PI's circumstances change (like
one faculty member who hired his brother from India last week after completing
his disclosure in October). Because we are small enough to be able to review
all proposals pretty carefully and discuss the proposed effort and budget, our
office tends to catch those 'changes in circumstances', although we've
sensitized the department administrators to the issue.
Our disclosure forms (part I and part II) are available on our website.
Anita Quinn wrote:
> We have started to review our conflict of interest policy and the question
> came up as far as what other universities may have a
> REQUIRED "ANNUAL Disclosure form" in place.
> If you do, would you please let me know who you are? and if you have this
> form on your web site??
> Thanks
> Anita Quinn
> Director of Research Services
> Michigan Technological University
> 1400 Townsend Drive
> Houghton, MI 49931-1295
> phone 906-487-2225
> fax 906-487-2245
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