Re: FASTLANE Tammy Custer Ordway 03 Nov 2000 11:07 EST

Off the top of my head, I don't believe there is a way to extract a budget
from one proposal to another in FastLane - unless you did it using the
excel spreadsheet.  The copy feature that you mentioned is for copying
budget years within each proposal.  Sorry!

At 07:50 AM 11/03/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>A faculty member started his proposal in FASTLANE and didn't tell me.
>He asked me to do a budget in FASTLANE, so I created a number.    Since
>he has put most of his proposal into his number,  he wants me to take
>the budget and put it in his proposal.   Is there a way to do that
>without re-typing the budget.    I see there's a copy feature, but I
>don't know how to use it.
>Thanks for your help.
>   Eleanor
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