FastLane Collaborative Proposals
Mark Abbey 01 Nov 2000 15:03 EST
My institution is struggling to some degree with collaborative proposals
submitted via FastLane in which our PI is proposing to work with
investigators at one or more institutions via a contractual relationship. I
would be curious for feedback on the following:
Does your institution allow a PI at another institution to be a Co-PI on a
proposal submitted by your institution?
Heretofore, we have listed the PI of a collaborating institution as "senior
personnel," and accordingly, they have not signed our certification page.
It seems rather strange to us to have someone with no affiliation to this
institution signing our cover page. However, we've recently encountered
situations where collaborators have objected to our practice rather
Any information outlining how other institutions are dealing with this would
be appreciated.
Mark P. Abbey
Senior Research Administrator
The Research Foundation of SUNY
Office for Sponsored Programs, MSC 312
University at Albany
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12222
Phone: (518) 437-4554
Fax: (518) 437-4560
Web Site:
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