This is why I like using the "collaborative proposal" method. It's a
wonderful way to handle the co-PI issue since each institution submits its
own budget and cover pages, but the collaborators can "share" the technical
portion of the proposal. The downside of this is that it takes a little
more coordination for FastLane submission, but I think the advantages
outweigh this downside.
Patricia A. Hawk
Sponsored Projects Administrator
5219 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5219
tel: 541/346-2504
fax: 541/346-5138
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Erickson [mailto:xxxxxx@BC.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 8:17 AM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: Subgrants & Co-PIs
This really has nothing to do with valuing the collaboration. In the event
an award is made, each co-PI holds equal responsibility for the conduct of
the whole project. We do not want someone who is not an employee having real
or potential responsibility for our projects...our institution, not the PI
is the grantee, and we must have an employee acting on our behalf in
complying with the terms of the award. Furthermore, having a subcontractor's
project director named as a co-PI diminishes the "arms length" relationship
that mustbe maintained. On a practical level, should the subcontractor's
project director need to be replaced, we want to give the approval here and
not have to go to the agency for approval, which you would if the perosn is
named as a co-PI (aka "key personnel") on the prime award.
Marie Smith wrote:
We feel that if an institution values the collaboration, they will allow
co-PI status from other institutions. We allow it here and have never had a
problem. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Marie F. Smith
Manager of Grants Administration
Institute of Ecosystem Studies
PO Box AB, 65 Sharon Turnpike
Millbrook, NY 12545
Tel: 845-677-5343
Direct Line: 845-677-7600 x 112
FAX: 845-677-5976
-----Original Message-----
From: Terri Hall [ mailto:xxxxxx@ND.EDU <mailto:xxxxxx@ND.EDU> ]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 7:33 AM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Subgrants & Co-PIs
We are getting an increasing amount of requests from faculty wanting the
PIs on subgrants in their proposals to appear as co-PIs on the cover page.
Even though FastLane offers this as an option in order to get the subgrant
into the system, we think having a Co-PI from another institution on our
proposals sets us up for liability and grant administration problems in the
I would like to hear from other institutions...both those who allow this
practice and also those who don't allow this practice and the reasoning
behind it.
Please send your comments to Ellen Rogers at
Many thanks.
"We must walk consciously only partway toward our goal, and
then leap in the dark to our success." -- Henry David Thoreau
Terri Hall
Funding Opportunities Specialist / Community of Science Liaison
Office of Research
University of Notre Dame Phn: (219) 631-8710
511 Main Building Fax: (219) 631-6630
Notre Dame, IN 46556 Email:
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Stephen Erickson, Director
Office of Research Administration
Boston College
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Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Telephone: 617-552-3345
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