We frequently have co-PIs from other institutions on our grants. Co-PIs contribute substantially more to the project than a subcontractor, and that collaboration strenghthens both the proposal and the outcomes of the project. The PI is still held responsible for the work, and the actions of the co-PI on the project. We have rarely had any problems as a result of allowing this situation. The rare occasion where there was a (minor) problem, the PI was reminded that (s)he was the person held responsible, and the problem was resolved.
Sally Eckert-Tilotta, Ph.D., Associate Director
Office of Research & Program Development
University of North Dakota
PO Box 7134
Grand Forks, ND 58202
Tel: 701-777-2049
Fax: 701-777-2504
Email: xxxxxx@mail.und.nodak.edu
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