Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act David Battey 13 Oct 2000 10:13 EST

The NCURA Region III ERA Committee project this year has been to
identify software packages currently offered that might support or
enhance research administration endeavors.  In several discussions with
members I have received requests for a copy of the Public Law 106-229,
the new Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act,
signed this past June. For those of you who are searching for the text
of this bill I've provided a copy on our site at the link, below.


:) Dave

David S. Battey
Information & Technology Coordinator
Office of Research and Grants Administration
College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, 29424
Voice: (843)953-5673      Fax: (843)953-6577
Internet:  http://www.orga.cofc.edu/
E-mail:  xxxxxx@cofc.edu

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