Re: Animal Care & Use Question James R. Brett 12 Oct 2000 14:57 EST

We have an "Adoption Policy" ( which works quite well.

Jim Brett
CSU Long Beach

> Grants Administrator wrote:
> For any of you with IACUC experience, could you tell me if your institution has ever released non-medical lab animals to students?
> One of our faculty would like to collect a representation of vertebrates (frogs, salamanders, turtles, lizards, snakes, fish) for observation only for a Principles of Biology course and proposes to give them to graduate/undergraduate students when no longer needed or too large.  IACUC reviewer concerns range from university liability to the ethical treatment of the animals by the students.
> Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Catherine Anson
> Grants Administrator
> LSC 201
> John Carroll University
> 20700 North Park Boulevard
> University Heights, OH  44118
> TEL: 216-397-4520
> FAX: 216-397-3009

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