Hello, all. We're applying for an NIDRR (Dept of Educ) grant, and I've run into something new - which, considering I've only been at this grants game for 5 months, is not unusual.
The application asks whether our project is subject to review by E.O. 12372. I've read through the E.O. several times, and as always happens when I read a government document, my eyes cross and I don't understand a word.
Can someone tell me in what way E.O. 12372 applies to grants? Does it only come into play when there are also state monies involved in a project?
Looking forward to the wisdom of the group.
Carol A. Brodie
Sponsored Programs Administrator
University of the Pacific
3601 Pacific Ave.
Stockton, CA 95211
Phone: 209-946-7356 Fax: 209-946-2858
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