>I have two (2) questions for the group that I hope to get feedback on.
>Questions #1:
>I have two PI's who want to purchase and share a ($278) supply item and
>split the cost. One project is funded from NSF the other is DOE. I have
>always understood that to be a big no-no with the feds. However, I know
>some of the old rules have been removed to enable PI's more flexibility,
>and make Universities more responsible.
>Can anyone direct me to specific guidelines that address this situation,
>or what your practice/procedure is based on what rule? I have looked at
>A-110, sections 34 and 35 relating to equipment (which it's not) and
>supplies. If I am interpreting correctly, it appears to be okay to let
>them split the ownership, unless I'm missing something.
>Question #2:
>For the past 6 years, our university has provided Friday afternoons off in
>the summer. Like many we went through downsizing and this was in lieu of
>raises. In the beginning we weren't sure this would be an on-going
>process and we wrote off costs for those hours charged to federal
>projects. We treated it like "supplemental compensation" similar to A-21,
>Section J.8.a. However, since the university has treated this the same
>for 6 years and intends to continue, it is my opinion that it is no longer
>a supplemental. Supplemental (to me) implies a one-time, or infrequent,
>non-recurring payment/bonus situation. I believe we have a strong
>argument that is an established policy, consistently applied and falls
>under the statement in the same area of A-21 "These costs are allowable to
>the extent that the total compensation to individual employees conforms to
>the established policies of the institution, consistently applied, and
>provided that the charges for work performed directly on sponsored
>agreements and for other work allocable as F&A costs are determined and
>supported as provided below..."
>Could I get some opinions and thoughts on my perspective? Please let me
>know if anyone is or has been in a similar situation.
>Thank you in advance for your assistance on these questions. If these are
>recent questions that have come up, please let me know, and I'll do a search.
>Thanks again for any help offered.
>Lisa L. Thompson
>Associate Director of Research
> and Sponsored Programs
>600 South College Avenue
>Tulsa, OK 74104-3189
>Tele: (918)631-2716
>Fax: (918)631-2073
>"Never score without acknowledging a teammate...Treat your opponent with
>respect...Never lie, never cheat, never steal...Earn the right to be proud
>and confident." John Wooden
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