Re: Need an Operational Definition Emmanuel Osagie 07 Oct 2000 13:19 EST

Examples of a "separate or remote operation" may involve teaching or conducting a
Saturday Academy at a community center. It may also involve the monitoring of a
research experiment at an industrial site off campus. The key is that these
activities are incidental and performed in addition to the contracted duties.

Brian Anderson wrote:

> I need an operational definition of a portion of OMB Circular A-21, J.8.d.1
> (Salary Rates for faculty members).  A portion of the paragraph states "
> unusual cases where consultation is across departmental lines or involves a
> SEPARATE OR REMOTE OPERATION, and the work performed by the consultant is in
> addition to his regular departmental load, any charges for such work
> representing extra compensation above the base salary are allowable..."
> What is your institution's definition of "a separate operation?"  What is
> considered to be "a remote operation?"
> Any insight you can provide would be most helpful.  If you wish to respond to
> me directly, my email address is
> Thanks!
> Brian Anderson, Director
> Office of Research Development
> Eastern Michigan University
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