Re: NSF PI Salary Question Hawk, Pat 06 Oct 2000 09:57 EST


You've probably already received an answer for this, but NSF's "2-month"
policy refers to "summer salary for faculty members on academic-year
appointments is limited to no mroe than two-ninths of their regular
academic-year salary." (quote from NSF's Grant Policy Guide) So if your
faculty are on academic year (9-month) appointments, this would apply.

The guide also indicates NSF views research as a "normal" function for
faculty members and that pay for time spent on research "within the term of
appointment is deemed to be included with the faculty member's regular
organizational salary."  (again, from p. 14 of the Grant Policy Guide).
What they're trying to say is that they generally don't expect to see
academic year salary on grant budgets.  However, your institution's policies
and the nature of that particular project have to determine whether academic
year salary is an appropriate charge, and of course, if your faculty are on
calendar year appointments as opposed to academic year appointments, then
they are paid by calendar months, and the two-ninths thing doesn't apply.

If this doesn't help, I'd be glad to e-chat with you directly.


Patricia A. Hawk
Sponsored Projects Administrator
5219 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR  97403-5219
tel: 541/346-2504
fax: 541/346-5138

-----Original Message-----
From: Tania H. Clucas [mailto:xxxxxx@SFOS.UAF.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 3:08 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: NSF PI Salary Question

I sent this to NSF, and haven't received a reply yet. I figure they're
busy just like the rest of us! Can anyone comment on their experiences?
I do have PIs with 6 months of NSF funding a year, so this could really
change the way things work. Any thoughts you folks have would be greatly
appreciated. - Tania

Dear NSF:

Reading the policy regarding salaries and wages I am a little confused,
and I would appreciate some clarification so I can prepare our NSF
awards properly, and comply with your policies.

Historically, our faculty charge the time they spend working on their
grants to their grants. This would happen at any time during the year,
not just during summer months. As you well know, research can be
happening at any time. Our institution does not make a policy of
restricting PIs to 3 months of research.

Recently we have been told that NSF will only support, annually, no more

two months of salary per PI for all NSF projects they are affiliated

Is this true?

Many of my PIs have multiple projects, and this change in policy will
affect the time they spend on their work for NSF, and would end up
possibly requiring a change in the scope of work. Would PIs from
previously funded projects be grandfathered in?

As you can may have surmised this is something I am greatly concerned
about. Any clarification will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Tania Clucas
Grants Coordinator

 Accountability and accounting are not the same thing

Tania Clucas                    
Grants Coordinator                               Voice 907.474.6736
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences           Fax   907.474.7204
University of Alaska Fairbanks

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