retention of final financial and techincal reports Mary Farnham 03 Oct 2000 13:03 EST

Dear Resadm-lers,
Please help to clarify something for me.  At our institution, we have both a pre
award and post award office.  The pre award office handles all pre award and non
financial post award responsibilities.  In the past we (in the pre award office)
have not included copies of the final financial and technical reports in our
"official" award file.  The post award office obviously keeps copies of the
financial reports, but no one (that I can find) is responsible for keeping
copies of the final technical reports, and we do not include a copy of the final
financial in our files.  Would you share with me how your institutions handle
this situation?  Are you required to keep copies of the final technical reports?
If so, is this an agency or an institutional requirement?  Do you maintain one
"official" file where all information (from birth to death) is kept?  Also, who
at your institution is charged with this responsibility?
As always, thanks for sharing!
Mary Laura

Mary Laura Farnham, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs & Research
University of Nebraska at Omaha
6001 Dodge Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68182-0210
(402) 554-2286 (voice)
(402) 554-3698 (fax)

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