Re: Supply "Guidance" on NIH grants
Sally Eckert-Tilotta 31 Aug 2000 11:43 EST
I would be surprised if there were a pat answer to the supply question for NIH. When I think of the researchers here who have NIH funding, I can think of a theoretical chemist whose only supplies are printer cartridges and paper and a pharmacologist who uses radioactive tracers at ~$1000/gram. Their supply budgets are drastically different per FTE. Barbara's chemist has figured out what it costs to support a project in his field, and this figure would be independent of sponsor. I think you already gave your researcher good advice.
Sally Eckert-Tilotta, Ph.D., Associate Director
Office of Research & Program Development
University of North Dakota
PO Box 7134
Grand Forks, ND 58202
Tel: 701-777-2049
Fax: 701-777-2504
>>> "Deborah (Debbie) L. Smith" <xxxxxx@UTMEM.EDU> 08/30/00 10:23AM >>>
First, let me apologize to any of you who received the "virus" from me in
the last couple of days . . . I tried to stop it before it got to all of my
address book . . . but you probably know how quickly those things work.
And thanks to all of you who offered suggestions for getting rid of the
virus . . . my computer folks were already on it before this list got it.
Now, to today's question: A faculty member just asked me if I knew the
"ballpark" figure the NIH folks use as a guidance for supplies . . . he
thinks there's a certain amount per FTE.
Does anyone know anything about that . . . and what the ballpark "per FTE"
amount might be for supplies??
I told him to just use a reasonable amount and if it seems unreasonable to
be sure to justify it.
Thanks again for your usual help.
Debbie Smith
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