Re: Letter describing education in the protection of human researchparticipants (NIH)
Tim sparklin 24 Aug 2000 08:03 EST
We have a database in Access that tracks protocols and generates all the
correspondence we need for the IRB. The cover letter will just be another
letter that'll be genereated vis the database.
William Sharp wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was interested in learning from other institutions how--logistically--you
> were planning on handling the required cover letter describing the
> education completed in the protection of human subjects for individuals
> identified as key personnel in NIH applications (as described in the June
> 5, 200 notice; the url is below). Would you name each individual key
> personnel in the cover letter and then paste in boilerplate descriptions of
> the education programs completed by each? Or has anyone come up with a
> more "automated" method of addressing this requirement?
> Any suggestions or comments you might have would be appreciated!
> Bill Sharp
> Contracts Officer
> Contract Negotiations and Research Compliance
> The University of Kansas
> and The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.
> 2385 Irving Hill Road
> Lawrence, KS 66044-7552
> (785) 864-7430
> (785) 864-5049 fax
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