Re: Funding Opportunity Products
Glenn Krell 18 Aug 2000 10:46 EST
I agree with Charlie and would like to add this suggestion: *always*
suggest to the faculty member that they assign a trusted graduate student,
postdoc, lab fellow or even undergrad, the work of wading through said
massive data. Most faculty I've spoken with are receptive to delegating
that formidable task to someone who knows the fine points of their research.
At 11:42 AM 8/18/00 -0400, Charlie Hathaway wrote (excerpt):
>using these search tools is worthless if one does not also: accept the
>need to wade through LOTS of irrelevant hits, go to agency web sites and
>read full texts of announcements prior to making a decision on appropriateness,
Glenn Krell BA, CRA
Director, Research Proposal Development
Illinois Institute of Technology
3300 South Federal Street, M/B 301
Chicago, Illinois 60616
312-567-7141 (voice)
312-567-7517 (fax)
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