Collaborative training experiences Landen, Marcia 14 Aug 2000 17:27 EST

I'm interested in talking with folks who have done collaborative
training--that is, where people from a couple of institutions work together
to put on a program of mutual benefit. An example might be two universities
in the same geographic area collaborating to prepare and present a workshop.

I've done some of this, but am looking for a broader range of experiences
for possible inclusion in a paper I'm co-authoring for the SRA annual
meeting. What experiences have you had that were positive? Negative? What's
the most important thing you learned? If you're willing to share a little,
please respond to the list or to me directly.

Thanks much.

Marcia Landen
Director, Sponsored Program Development
Bryan Hall, Room 1
Indiana University
107 S. Indiana Ave.
Bloomington, IN 47405-7000
812-855-0516 (voice)
812-855-9943 (fax)

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