Re: Human Subject Payments and Student Athletes
Sharon Armbrust 08 Aug 2000 13:43 EST
It appears that I need to be more specific. I've received some requests
for clarification.
Last week we advised the project staff that we must issue payments
directly to all subjects, including the track team members. Track team
members may donate their payments to the team account, if they wish to
do so. We advised the project staff that human subject participation
must be voluntary, with not even a hint of coercion.
However, the team coach insists that no payments may be made directly
to the team members, based on the NCAA rule. The rule appears to be
limited to promotional activities.
The project's PI believes that the team members may participate and be
paid directly so long as the solicitation for human subjects is open to
any enrolled students. This appears reasonable, but our coach is also
concerned about proper procedure and insists that we do not issue
payments to track team members.
That is our situation. Does anyone have experience with this and know
if the NCAA will allow payments to team members in this situation?
>>> Sharon Armbrust 08/08 11:36 AM >>>
We have a project with human subjects, including both men's and women's
track teams. The coach has provided a section from the NCAA rules
(Rule as evidence that the track members may not receive
directly any payments for serving as human subjects. Instead, he has
requested that we transfer an equivalent amount to each team account.
The rule that he cites appears to not fit human subjects activities.
Does anyone have experience with this and know what we can/cannot do?
We have not had this situation arise before and don't have much human
subject experience here, having no medical school.
Any guidance would be appreciated!
Sharon Armbrust, Director
Contracts and Grants Office
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana 47306
Phone: 765-285-5289
Fax: 765-285-5224
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