If your institution allows confidentiality on such matters, the faculty
member is the individual who must police this matter. Due to the
confidentiality requirements, you will even want to follow a need-to-know
policy within the institution, which means that the sponsored programs
staff and the PI are the primary need-to-know individuals, and I strongly
doubt that you can afford to have sponsored program staff spend time on
this matter. If the faculty member accepts the funding, she must also
accept the responsibility of confidentiality!
FYI, my institution is state, and has a FOI law; many states do. Ours has
an exception that covers university researchers' work until patented,
published, or otherwise made public, BUT strictly administrative
information such as sponsors, total $, and project titles are NOT
excepted. (For this reason I counsel sponsors with an interest in
confidentiality to use an innocuous project title!)
At 04:20 PM 7/26/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Has anyone addressed the issue of an easy way to ensure that confidential
>info (in some cases, names of sponsors and specific titles of studies and/or
>products tested) are NOT included on faculty CVs and other "public"
>documents until the studies are completed and published??
>Debbie Smith
>UT Health Science Center
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Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Virginia Commonwealth University
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