Pre-award temp (90 day) work available in Washington, DC Karen Otiji 31 Jul 2000 10:50 EST
The Smithsonian Institution's Office of Sponsored Projects
is currently recruiting for a pre-award staff position.
Because of the time lag that occurs due to the hiring
process, we may  have need to hire someone with some
experience for a period not to exceed 90 (calendar) days.
This person would provide assistance in proposal
development, budgeting and award negotiation for government
and private sponsors.

If you are interested and available, please email or fax
your resume to Karen Otiji at the address below.  We will
contact (most likely in August) those with the appropriate
qualifications  if we determine that we are in need of
temporary help.   Thanks.

Karen L. Otiji
Grant & Contract Administrative Manager
Office of Sponsored Projects
490 L'Enfant Plaza, Suite 7225
Washington, DC  20560-0903
phone: (202) 287-3793/3796
fax: (202) 287-3707