Re: Faculty Profile Databases Starr, Sarah 26 Jul 2000 13:03 EST

The Ohio State University Research Foundation uses the Community of Science
database for expertise profiles/research interests.  Since it's web based it
doesn't present a problem for universities with mixed MAC/PC computers.  We
currently have around 2000 profiles on the system.  It's very easy to
maintain and we like it very much. I would be happy to have a longer
conversation with you, Shelly, about how we use this if you'd like to call
or email me.


Sarah E. Starr, Director
Office of Funding and Research Development
The Ohio State University Research Foundation
1960 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH  43210

-----Original Message-----
From: spettyjo [mailto:xxxxxx@HSC.UNT.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 1:42 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Faculty Profile Databases

Hello ya'll!  We are exploring the possibility of a database for faculty
profiles/research interests and I'm curious which application/database
programs other universities are using to track this data.

It would be helpful to include the number of faculty profiles you are
currently maintaining as well as which platform (Mac vs PC - the debate
still rages) you are utilizing.

Thanks and have a great day!

Shelly R. Pettyjohn
Pre Award Grant and Contract Specialist
University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth
817 735-2561
817 735-0375 (fax)

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