Re: How Do You Handle Residual Funds? CREA CATHARINE 12 Jul 2000 10:25 EST

These are all good questions and I too would be interested in the answers.
Also, if the investigator transferred to a new institution, would the funds
be transferred as well?

Catharine Crea
Associate Dean for Research Administration
New York Medical College
Valhalla, New York 10595
phone:  (914) 594-4480
fax:  (914) 594-4696

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Wilkerson [mailto:xxxxxx@MCO.EDU]
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 3:46 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: How Do You Handle Residual Funds?

I would be interested in knowing how those of you involved in the management
of industry-sponsored clinical trials handle any funds remaining AFTER all
of the work is completed, i.e., after the company has accepted all
deliverables required in the contract, and all of the bills are paid.   Do
you leave the residual funds in the same account that was established to
support the work of the clinical trial, or move them to another account?  Do
you place restrictions on the use of the residual funds?  At the end of the
trial, do you consider any residual funds to be completely dissociated from
the original contract and thus available for expenditure for any
research-related activity, assuming that no contract clauses survive the
contract which might obviate this option?  What if your investigator wanted
to utilize residual funds to finance a collaborative research agreement with
another entity for basic research, would you be comfortable with it?

Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D.              Phone:   (419) 383-4252
Assoc. V.P. For Research          Fax:   (419) 383-4252
Professor of Pharmacology         E-mail:
Research & Grants Admin.          Web:
Block Health Sci. Bldg., Rm. 148
3035 Arlington Ave.
Toledo, OH 43614-5804

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