Re: Modular grant application
Evelyn J. Ford 29 Jun 2000 08:29 EST
We have not had enough experience with modular awards received to make any
broad correlations between this type of budget and the resulting award.
However, we are submitting our budgets with varying modules with a great
deal of regularity, making sure to thoroughly explain the reason in the
budget justification.
-- Evelyn
Evelyn J. Ford, Manager, Accounting Operations
Office of Research Support Services
School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
270 Anatomy-Chemistry Building
36th Street and Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia PA 19104-6061
fax 215.573.8802 voice 215.573.1395
At 11:43 AM 6/28/2000 -0400, you wrote:
> Hello RESADM-Lers,
> We are submitting a three year modular grant application with two
>consortiums. One of the consortims only lasts for the first two years of
>the project. The consortium is about $50K/year. We are considering asking
>for two less modules in year three of the project. Our concern is that the
>NIH will cut back the first two years by $50K as well. Has anyone had any
>experiences (good or bad) requesting less modules in future years of a
>project? Thanks in advance.
>> -----------------------------------------
>> Phillip S. Belman
>> Grant Accountant
>> Lankenau Institute for Medical Research
>> 100 Lancaster Avenue
>> Wynnewood, PA 19096
>> 610-645-8438
>> 610-645-8299 (fax)
>> -----------------------------------------
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