Re: VHS charging Therese Kummer 26 Jun 2000 07:10 EST

At 01:47 PM 6/22/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Right now we charge it when we have to (e.g., level of effort, productive
>labor contract).  We have developed a new system for charging compensated
>absences for "soft-money" employees but haven't turned it on yet.  Check CAS
>408 if you want a detailed description of compensated absences and how to
>handle the accounting.
>The attached presentation addressing some of the issues.  It isn't that good
>but it can start some conversations.  Here it is:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Anita Quinn [mailto:xxxxxx@MTU.EDU]
>Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 12:07 PM
>To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
>Subject: VHS charging
>I have been involved in many discussions lately related to vacation,
>holiday, and sick time charging on sponsored accounts.
>I am curious as to how other universities either charge or subsidize for
>vacation, holiday, and sick time related to research support staff.
>do you charge it as a fringe rate in grant/contract accounts?  if so what
>is the rate?
>do you charge it directly to the grant/contract account?
>do you charge it to another university account? this could be considered
>subsidizing the grant/contract in which this time was accued over.
>Any input would be appreciated....
>Anita Quinn
>Director of Research Services
>Michigan Technological University
>1400 Townsend Drive
>Houghton, MI     49931-1295
>phone 906-487-2225
>fax   906-487-2245
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>Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\Compensated Absences.ppt"
I am out of the office today, returning on Monday, June 26th.

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