Re: NSF & Academic Year Support on Research Grants Linda Campbell 21 Jun 2000 11:25 EST


My understanding is that NSF does not want to provide salary during the academic year for faculty with full-time appointments.  NSF will consider salary requests for faculty on sabbbatical, but the different program areas seem to be able to use their own discretion as to whether or not to approve the request.

My most recent experience in this area has been with a faculty member who does not have a full-time appointment.  [The University provides a portion of his salary and the rest is contingent upon the availability of sponsored projects funding.]  In the proposal we requested partial calendar year salary.  The program officer felt that CY salary was appropriate in this situation, but we had to reduce the amount requested so that salary charged over 12 months will not exceed the dollar value of 2 mos summer x 100% FTE.


Linda Campbell
Director of Sponsored Projects
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA  95053-0250
phone: 408-554-4408
fax: 408-554-2389

>>> xxxxxx@THUNDER.OCIS.TEMPLE.EDU 06/21/00 04:35AM >>>
A question came up about requesting a portion of academic year salary
support on NSF Research projects.   This would be in addition to the 2/9
of summer support that is normally requested from NSF.    Do any of you
request this support or do you consider the AY time to be contributed
effort on NSF research applications?
I know some agencies allow for this request -- but what is NSF's stance
in the area.

Thank you,
 Eleanor Cicinsky

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