Human Subjects Education Plans
Nancy Peterson 09 Jun 2000 13:28 EST
Sally's posting of the Human Subjects Education requirement reminds me that
I meant to post a note on this.
WSU does not have a Multiple Project Assurance. We do have an IRB (Human
Subjects Committee) staffed by appropriate faculty and community
representatives and, of course, follow all the regs. In the ten years I've
been here, we've only had one NIH research grant for which NIH granted us a
Single Project Assurance.
Basically WSU faculty do survey/interview research and don't get into any
type of medical procedure. The most elaborate thing we've ever done
involved blood samples. If anybody at an institution has an "education"
plan of any kind for an institution like ours, I'd love to hear about it.
Faculty are appointed to our IRB on a voluntary rotating basis and I don't
want to make their task (and mine) any more arduous than need be.
Nancy Kay Peterson
Director of Grants & Sponsored Projects
Somsen Hall Room 202-C
Winona State University
Winona, MN 55987
Phone: 507.457.5519
Fax: 507.457.2415
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