Audit Requriement for Subrecipient Leah Bevan 07 Jun 2000 15:40 EST

I am working on a subcontract for a private company which will be issued
under a prime agreement with DOE.  I understand that all the requirements
of the prime flow down to any subrecipient.  We as the recipient of the
prime require subcontractors to provide us with annual audit reports.

Since the subcontractor is a private company and not subject to audit they
of course do not want to provide a copy.  Over the first budget period (two
years), their budget will be $1,118,890 which to me is substantial.

Can anyone shine a little light for me?  Is there policy/regulations or
anything in writing I can reference here dealing with small private
companies and audits?

Thanks for any help,
Leah Bevan
Coordinator of Grants and Contracts
The University of Tulsa
600 South College Avenue
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104
(918) 631-2883
Fax: (918) 631-2073

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