Re: How many hours do you work? Gregory K. Schmidt 19 May 2000 08:49 EST

My staff and I are on annual professional, i.e. exempt, contracts.  We are not
"clocked", but we do keep track of leave.  Our leave is credited to hours
earned.  If there are no hours left, it is reduced from pay at an hourly rate.
Comp time cannot be used because we don't earn it.  But I'm a benevolent boss,
and I won't begrudge an employee who needs an hour or so and will make it up to
me.  If they were union employees, it would be different.

Our work hours are until the job is completed.  If it takes 8 hours a day,
bully for you.  If it takes more, life's rough.  Less and you get more work.

I average almost 50 hours a week plus the occasional weekend when I'm taking
classes.  Otherwise, it goes to almost 60.  During year end (I'm a fiscal
type), this can go up to over 75 hours.  I get no comp time or pay.  I wonder
if I can use that as a contribution on my taxes?

Staff generally continue their 40 hour weeks, but are expected to meet all
deadlines.  This will cause them to also do OT at the same rate as me - gratis.

Gregory K. Schmidt
Assistant Controller
Florida A&M University
201 FHAC
Tallahassee, FL  32307

850.561.2956 voice
850.561.2461 fax

"A man of genius makes no mistakes.  His errors
are volitional and are the portals of discovery."

 James Joyce - Ulysses

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