FIPSE Application F&A Survey
Chaffins, Gary 15 May 2000 19:10 EST
The following are the results of the informal survey on rates that were used
in the recent preliminary application process.
38 Institutions responded who submitted a total of 170 proposals.
149 (88%) proposals were submitted at the 8 % rate
1 ( 1%) proposal was submitted in the 9-15% range
9 ( 5%) proposals were submitted in the 16-25% range
5 ( 3%) proposals were submitted in the 26-35% range
3 ( 2%) proposals were submitted in the 36 +% range
One organization has reported receiving a FIPSE award at 15% in the
recent past.
Looks like we have been soundly brow beaten into submission.
Gary Chaffins
Director, Office of Research Services and Administration
5219 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5219
Office: (541) 346-2395
Fax: (541) 346-5138
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