NIH Policy Change - Family Health Insurance Allowable for Postdoctoral Trainees
Terry Thurston 11 May 2000 12:33 EST
In the December 23, 1999 NIH Guide ( a
modification was issued regarding the allowability of health insurance for
postdoctoral trainees. The new NIH policy permits us to request and charge
family health coverage for a trainee if we retain the consistent policy for
all of our institution's trainees regardless of the funding source ?
meaning that if we want to pay family health insurance for an eligible
trainee from an NIH training grant, we must also pay for the same level of
coverage for a trainee who may be paid from departmental or other funds.
(The previous policy allowed individual health insurance coverage only.)
The decision to change the current internal policy from individual to
family coverage is undergoing review by our institution. Among other
concerns, there is a major concern regarding the financial impact (with
family insurance rates being significantly higher than individual rates).
Institutional department funds would have to cover the insurance costs when
they are not covered by a sponsoring agency, or when an agency allows only
partial coverage.
We would like to hear from other institutions that submit NIH training
grants to see how this change in NIH policy is affecting you and what
policy changes your institution may be considering or implementing as a
result. (Note: Washington University does not calculate fringe benefits
as a flat percentage of salary; the fringe benefit calculation can vary per
individual. We would especially like to hear from other institutions that
do not apply a flat rate to calculate fringes.)
Please respond to my e-mail address listed below or to the listserv.
Terry A. Thurston, Manager
Gifts, Grants & Contracts
Washington University School of Medicine
660 S. Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
Ph. 314-362-6150 Fax 314-362-0315
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