Re: Health Insurance for Graduate TAs and RAs Domenica G. Pappas 05 May 2000 23:31 EST

At 12:51 PM 05/04/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>At the University of New Mexico we are trying to put in place a health
>insurance plan for TAs and RAs.  The funding became available recently
>for students paid through I&G funds, and we are now scrambling to complete
>our planning before the semester ends.  We would appreciate your responses
>to the questions below.  Please e-mail your response to me
>directly at
>  Thank you in advance for your assistance.  I would be glad to post a
>summary of the
>responses received.
>Ann Powell
>Special Assistant to the Associate Provost for Research
>Office of Research Services
>University of New Mexico
>Phone:  (505) 277-2256
>FAX:  (505) 277-5567
>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Health Insurance for Graduate TAs and RAs
>Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions related to
>health insurance for graduate students holding assistantships.  In the
>questions below, TAs refer to students holding Teaching Assistantships
>or other similar positions, generally paid from unrestricted (I&G)
>funds.  RAs refer to students holding Research Assistantships or similar
>positions, generally paid from restricted funds.  Thank you in advance
>for completing these questions.  Please feel free to add additional
>comments to your responses.
>  TA=Teaching Assistant or similar positions
>RA=Research Assistant or similar positions
>  1.    Please indicate with a YES or NO if you subsidize (or will be
>  subsidizing in Fall 2000) any part of the health insurance premium for:
>          TAs
>          RAs
>     1a.  If you do subsidize the health insurance premium, are students
>  able to maintain their FICA exemption?  If so, how do you accomplish this?
>  2.    What is the total cost of the premium for each participant?
>          TAs
>          RAs
>  3.    How much of this cost, if any, is paid by the student?
>          TAs
>          RAs
>  4.    Please indicate with a YES or NO if you subsidize (or will be
>subsidizing in Fall 2000) any part of the health insurance premium for:
>          Spouses/dependents of TAs
>          Spouses/dependents of RAs
>  5.    What is the total cost of the premium for the spouses/dependents
>  and how much do you subsidize for:
>          Spouses/dependents of TAs
>          Spouses/dependents of RAs
>  6.    What is the FTE eligibility requirement for subsidized health care
>  premiums for:
>          TAs
>          RAs
>    6a.    If the FTE drops below the minimum during the semester, what
>  happens?
>  7.    What is the minimum credit hour enrollment for subsidized health
>  care premiums for:
>          TAs
>          RAs
>  7a.    If the student's credit hour enrollment drops below the minimum
>  during the semester, what happens?
>  8.    Please specify any additional eligibility requirements for
>  subsidized health care premiums for:
>          TAs
>          RAs
>9.    Do you subsidize the health insurance premium semester by semester
>  or by the year?
>  10.    If a student on an assistantship in the fall semester is not
>  continued on the assistantship in the spring semester, do you pay the
>  premium for the spring semester or just the semester in which the
>  student held the assistantship?
>  11.    If a student is on an assistantship both fall and spring
>  semesters, do you pay the premium during the summer?
>  12.  What health insurance plan do you offer graduate students holding
>  TAs or RAs?
>          The health insurance plan offered to all students
>          The health insurance plan offered by the National Association of
>                 Graduate-Professional Students
>          Provide students a set amount to be applied to their plan of
>          choice
>          Other (please specify)
>  13.    Is health insurance mandatory for all TAs and RAs?
>  14.     If you answered YES to #13, is there a Hard Waiver out of the
>  plan (e.g., students certify that they have comparable coverage
>  elsewhere)?
>  15.    Who oversees the administration of your subsidized health
>  insurance plan for graduate students?
>  16.    Do you recover the costs of RA health insurance from contracts
>  and grants?  If so, what are the mechanics?
>  17.    What is the total number of graduate students at your
>  institution?
>  18.    How many of these graduate students hold an assistantship (TA,
>  RA, or both)?
>  19.    How many of these students with assistantships participate in the
>  health insurance premium subsidy?
>  20.    Do you include a tuition waiver for graduate students holding TAs
>  and RAs?  If so, what are the details (e.g., full waiver, non-resident
>  waiver, etc.)?  What is the dollar value of this waiver?
>  21.     What other benefits are offered to graduate students on
>  assistantships at your institution?
>22.      Are you from a small, medium or large institution?
>23.      Are you from a public or private institutionk?
>24.      Approximately what was your volume of sponsored awards (FY99)?
>  Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.
>  Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
>  subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
>  via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")

I will be out of the office on Monday, May 8th and Tuesday, May 9th.

If you need assistance, please contact Ms. Janice Haney at (312)  567-3035.

Thank you.

Domenica G. Pappas                              Phone 312-567-3035
Assistant Director                              Fax 312-567-6980
Office of Sponsored Research  
Illinois Institute of Technology
3300 S. Federal Street,  MB Rm 301
Chicago, IL 60616-3793

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")