position available Warnock, Michael J. 05 May 2000 14:55 EST


The following position is available at the University of Missouri--Columbia.
I will be attended the NCURA/SRA regional meeting in Omaha this weekend and
early next week.  If you are also attending that meeting and would like to
learn more about this position, I would be pleased to visit with you.  If
you are not attending the meeting and would like to learn more, please let
me know.


Michael J. Warnock, Director
Sponsored Program Administration
University of Missouri - Columbia
310 Jesse Hall
Columbia, MO  65211
ph. 573-882-4329       fax 573-884-4078

Associate Director-Pre-Award Services
Office of Sponsored Program Administration
University of Missouri--Columbia

 The University of Missouri - Columbia (MU) is seeking an energetic
and experienced individual to serve as Associate Director of our Office of
Sponsored Program Administration (OSPA).  The Associate Director will
oversee pre-award services for the campus.  We are searching for an
individual with management experience and excellent interpersonal skills to
provide vigorous leadership during a phase of major expansion of our
research activities at MU.  The Associate Director will (1) manage staff in
providing proposal and award operational activities to effectively support
enhancement of MU's external funding; (2) recruit, train, evaluate, and
manage pre-award staff; (3) closely interact with state, federal, and
industry sponsors; and (4) advise and assist faculty in the preparation of

 The University of Missouri - Columbia is an AAU, Carnegie I Research
University.  It is one of only five universities in the country with
Colleges of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Law, Agriculture, and Engineering
all on one campus.  MU also has excellent colleges of Arts & Sciences,
Education, Journalism, Nursing, Human Environmental Sciences, and Business &
Public Administration.  In FY99, MU spent $149M in its research activities;
the campus has over $400M in current grants and contracts.  The growth rate
in sponsored activity has increased approximately 43% over the past 2 years.
A recent nationwide benchmarking study showed that MU had the highest rate
of growth of the 33 Research I universities participating in the study.  The
university has recently begun a new "mission enhancement" program that will
result in the hiring of over 100 new tenure-track faculty in strategic
program areas by 2002.  These include enhancements across the life sciences,
in connecting research and undergraduate/graduate programs, research on
economic, educational, and social issues, and our transition to the global
information age.

 Preferred qualifications include a master's degree and a minimum of
five years of experience in sponsored programs within a university
environment.  The successful candidate should have strong technical
experience in grant and contract negotiation with sponsors in both the
public and private sectors, current knowledge of the sponsored program
regulatory environment, and familiarity with funding agencies.  The
Associate Director should be prepared to implement the application of
computer technology to processes in OSPA.  Salary will be competitive.

 The Associate Director of the Office of Sponsored Program
Administration will have an exciting opportunity to participate in the
growth of new programs, structures, and funding at the University of
Missouri.  Applications should be sent to Dr. Michael Warnock, Director of
OSPA, 310 Jesse Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211.  Official
application must also be made to Human Resource Services, 130 Heinkel
Building, Columbia, MO 65211.  Reference job vacancy number dc56610.  The
review of applications will begin on May 15, 2000.  Applications will be
accepted until the position is filled.

The University of Missouri is an Affirmative Action/ADA Institution.

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at http://www.hrinet.org (click on "Listserv Lists")