Occupational Safety & Animal Handlers Herbert B. Chermside 06 Apr 2000 10:35 EST
Dr. Charles W. ("Bill") Henry, DVM, Director of our Division of Animal
Resources, has provided the attached information regarding VCU's practices
on this subject.

If the attachment doesn't get through, contact me separately for a reply
with it attached.

Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Virginia Commonwealth University
PO BOX 980568
Richmond, VA  23298-0568
Express Delivery Only:
 Sanger Hall, Rm. 1-073
 11th & Marshall Streets
 Richmond, VA  23219
Voice:  804-828-6772
Fax     804-828-2521
OFFICE e-mail   xxxxxx@VCU.EDU
Personal e-mail xxxxxx@vcu.edu